This directory contains the UTOOLS Watershed Analysis Tools. UTOOLS is public domain geographic analysis software developed by Alan Ager and Robert McGaughey of the U.S. Forest Service. The system provides a flexible framework for spatial analysis and map display to address a variety of analytical problems. UTOOLS simplifies geographic analysis problems by converting standard GIS data into "spatial databases" for use with PARADOX (Borland International). In these spatial databases, each record represents a single pixel of a fixed area and each field in the datab ase represents a map layer or map attribute. Using this simple data structure, users can use PARADOX queries to overlay map layers and quickly examine large quantities of spatial data. UVIEW, the visualization and mapping component of UTOOLS, allows users to produce 2D and 3D visualizations of data held in the PARADOX spatial databases from any viewpoint with data draped over the ground surface. If canopy closure or vegetation structur e classifications are available, users can create landscape images with individual trees and multi-layered forest stands. Images produced by UVIEW include a simulated light source to produce quality, rendered images depicting landscape conditions. The overall goals of UTOOLS are to combine a relational database and a simple terrain viewing system to provide a flexible analysis tool, model forest vegetation structure and pattern at landscape scales, and produce 2D and 3D images to communicate analys is results. The directory currently contains version 6.0 of UTOOLS utools1.exe - UTOOLS programs utools2.exe - more UTOOLS programs utools3.exe - example data sets for UTOOLS 6.0 For more information on UTOOLS send email to The UTOOLS Files were last updated on 8 Dec 1995